- The Positive Vibe Club
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- Here is to choosing the positive every chance we get.
Here is to choosing the positive every chance we get.
There are always two sides...
Hey friend,
How you feeling?
If you are having a bad day, don’t worry.
We all have them, just know this too shall pass.
Here is todays break down
The P.V.C Breakdown - Dopamine and why it can be bad too… - How to use your happiness as an anchor - The power of perspective - Spread the joy |
As always lets start with a quote
"Happiness is not by chance, but by choice."
When was the last time you were happy?
Go on, take a moment to reminisce about that feeling of pure joy—the laughter, the warmth, the sheer bliss of it all.
Are you smiling right now..? (I bet you are)
Well, here's a little secret: that happiness you felt?
It's not just a fleeting moment—it's a powerful force that can help you conquer even the toughest of days.
Intrigued? Let's get into it shall we
Section 1: The Science of Happiness
Did you know that when you're happy, your brain releases a delightful cocktail of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin?
This gives us what I like to call a dopamine reset.
We can get dopamine from a lot of sources. The cheap places you want to avoid getting it from are
Social media and Tech - Binge-watching although I love a great Netflix show as much as anyone.. Try and limit it
Doom scrolling. - Yep when you find yourself in a TikTok/Instagram/ Facebook hole and you look up at the clock and it is 8 pm and you haven’t cooked tea yet. 👀👀
Retail therapy and shopping- This one is for the shoppers, when you find that bargain and just can’t help yourself. That rush you get.
ooooo yeah, that is that cheap dopamine.
Now let’s get into the expensive dopamine, the real good stuff.
That doesn’t leave you on a downward spiral straight into your negative thoughts Lair.
Exercise - Oh yeah the way you feel when you have finished a great workout. That is the dopamine lifting you up.
Achieving goals - You know when you set that goal? Not only do you achieve it, but you might even smash it? That feeling? You guessed it, SWEET SWEET DOPAMINE
The last one might take you by surprise.
Acts of kindness - You know that friend’s episode when Phoebe is trying to prove you can do a good thing out of the goodness of your heart?
You can but your brain LOVES it and rewards you with a dopamine hit that lasts.
So, when you find your negative thoughts taking control of your mood, don’t block them out.
Accept them for what they are and ask yourself
“How can I prepare differently so this doesn’t happen again?”
Give your brain a little nudge to start the party again!
I know it is easier said than done, and I know how difficult it is to change our thought patterns.
But once we do it is truly life-changing.
Section 2: The Happiness Anchor
You remember that happy thought i asked you to think of at the beginning of this email.
The one that made you happy, warm, and full of joy.
Next time you feel like you are failing, or having a bad day, nothing seems to be going right. (I hate these days)
Think of that moment. take five minutes and walk to the canteen, outside, just change your environment.
This leads perfectly into section 3… its like I plan these or something 😉😉
Section 3: The Power of Perspective
Ever notice how everything seems a little brighter when you're happy?
That's because happiness has this incredible ability to shift your perspective.
Imagine going from a shit day to a great one, just by simply shifting your perspective.
Your problems seem more manageable.
Challenges become opportunities.
And life, well, life just feels a little more fun.
Talking of fun, I just spent almost a week with my favourite people in the world.
Didnt post on social media, Heck I didnt even go on social media.
Most people will see this as “Im not committed” or “You dont really want it” and it wasn’t just people…
My thoughts also started to become more negative, towards myself.
Unfortunately for them, I dont dwell on them. I observe them for what they are.
I accept them and I realised something that my old friend intuition has been trying to tell me.
The reason I am even working towards that “Life”
It is for them.
For all 8 of my siblings, and for the love of my life.
To make it so they don’t have to worry as much.
So please dont ever beat yourself up with negative thoughts for doing something that actually benefits you in so many other ways.
Dont lose focus of what really matters…
The people you do it all for.
The people you go to that job you hate for/ or the job you love.
The people you put that chocolate bar down for so you can be fit and healthy.
The people you go out with meals for and spend quality time with.
Those memories made i cannot think of a price they are worth.
Would it have been an awesome feeling to be able to pay for that meal.
Of course.
But I am starting to realise there is more to happiness than the goal of £10k a month.. To spread positivity and help people channel their negative thoughts..
Well shit… isnt that just an awesome thing to be able to say.
You know what the best part of happiness is???
I’ll let you guess. it might not be the same answer as mine.
For me… its happiness is contagious!
So, why not spread a little joy wherever you go?
Whether it's sharing a smile with a stranger, paying someone a compliment, or simply spreading good vibes, your happiness has the power to uplift those around you.
It's like a ripple effect of positivity, creating waves of happiness wherever it goes.
So, my dear friend, the next time you find yourself feeling down, just remember: happiness is not just a destination, it's a journey—one that you have the power to embark on whenever you choose to understand your negative thoughts.
Choose Positive, Choose Confident, Choose You.
Your friend,
Robbo “The PVC Chief” Blades.