🦗 How flexible are you with your thoughts..?

What Are You Being TOO Flexible With..?

The P.V.C Rundown…

- Why are we so negative toward ourselves… and how to be more flexible

- Something to think about…the science behind negative self-talk.

- A Affirmation to end. (As always)

We can take our days from drudgery, to abundant energy, if we are flexible with our perspective

- Jesse Burgardt


You know when something is brought to your attention...

and you can't stop thinking about it? This was one of those things.

My question for you is…

How many things are you "Flexible" with?

Be honest.

  • Your diet?

  • Your workouts?

  • Your meditation?

  • Your work hours?

  • Your sleep schedule?

Yeah we are all guilty of flexing our rules now and then - Just one more Netflix episode won't hurt right?

You are TOO flexible sometimes... and you know it.

Just one more email to send even though it is creeping up to 7 pm and you still haven't eaten.

They don't have to be negative things, to have a negative impact.

  • Work ethic.

  • Over commitment.

  • Overworking out.

  • Being too strict on your diet.

  • Giving too much of your energy to the wrong people.

When you aren't flexible enough.

This has a negative impact too.

Everything is about BALANCE

The thing is, we get so busy with external things like those listed above.

We forget about the most important thing there is...

Our thoughts...

Your thoughts are crucial to whether you have a day of abundance or drudgery.

It is so easy to get caught up in the negative thought patterns you forget to see it from a different perspective.

It might not be working out for a reason. That thing is probably out of your control.

Take a mental step back,

And ask yourself WHY...

  • Why am I feeling this way?

  • Why is this annoying me so much today?

  • Why am I so harsh on myself? I would never talk to a friend like that.

Being aware of how we are feeling is easier said than done.

But I invite you to just try.

See the difference it makes in your day.

Hey, it might even go from drudgery to abundant.

You won't know until you try.

You know the importance of asking why when you are feeling those negative thoughts taking over…

But if you are anything like me, you are probably asking yourself,

“Why do we have to train ourselves to do this in the first place”

I thought I would try and find the answer.

So let’s get into…


Negative self talk doesn’t just dampen your whole mood, your self confidence, your intentions.

It makes your brain’s Amygdala (The emotional centre) hyper active, which increases your stress levels, which in turn increases the amount of cortisol released (The stress hormone, what a bitch).

Which can also impair memory, decision making, and emotional control.

It gets worse,

The brain is a powerful thing, but it doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what isn’t.

So the more we talk negatively about ourselves, the more our brain essentially gets used to it. 🧠 (GREAT)

Todays society, is one of hustle, grind, and negativity.

With the prices increasing as they are… no wonder right?

The thing is over time we have evolved a “Negativity bias” and before we even begin a task, we find ourselves thinking…

What is going wrong and what else is next to go wrong?

Instead of seeing the positive outcomes that have already happened today, this week, this month, or this year.

This worked for our ancestors, but a lion isn’t going to attack us on the way to work.

Negative self-talk is a broad statement. so here are a few examples of what it is.

  1. Filtering - you focus on the negatives of a situation. - Your boss compliments you on your work, but you know you made a mistake somewhere and that is all you can think about.

  2. Personalising - You BLAME yourself for every negative outcome, or you always assume people are thinking the worse of you. (without evidence)

  3. Catastrophising - (yes this is a word) this is where you EXPECT the worst will happen no matter how much you have prepared.

  4. Polarising - You see only black and white. You feel if you are not perfect, you are a failure. (Spoiler Alert - No one is). There is no in-between for you and perfection isn’t real, so you feel like a failure 99.99% of the time.

Negative thoughts suck, and they dont only affect you and the people around you.

Something I live by.

My External is a reflection of my Internal

Me - Robbo The PVC Chief Blades

You wake up in a bad mood, you don’t take time to meditate or realign yourself and thoughts… what happens?

You have a shit ass day.

You wake up in a great mood, you feel good and you just feel you are going to smash it… what happens?

You have a GREAT ASS day.

Your thoughts become your words, they become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits form your character, and your character controls your destiny.

You see it all starts with your thoughts. (It is actually kinda amazing)

SO my awesome positivity-filled friend. Would you be against saying this affirmation before going back to work?


“ I am a wonderful person, who gives wonderful service, I am worthy of praise and I embrace every new challenge as an opportunity for growth.”


As always,

Stay confident. Stay Positive. Stay You 🫵

Your friend

Robbo “The PVC Chief” Blades.

Ps. If you are reading this far I LOVE YOU.

P.P.S Would you be against sharing this with a friend or five thepositivevibeclub.carrd.co or forwarding this email? I want to impact as many people as possible 🙏