I get you are tired

the truth is so is everyone else

Hey you,

You know those days when you wake up and feel like you only just closed your eyes 10 minutes ago…

Yet somehow your alarm is already going off.

And you are thinking…

“How am I going to function today?”

The day ahead seems like a mountain you don’t even want to begin climbing.

Nor are you prepared for it.

Trust me i get it…

Here is the good news..?

You aren’t alone in this feeling.

No matter the amount of sleep I get 6 hours, 5 hours, heck even if it is 8

The truth is I am always “tired”

4 Journal Prompts:

  1. Reflect on a past moment when you were exhausted but pushed through.
    What motivated you to keep going despite your fatigue?
    Example: Think of a time when you stayed up late to meet a deadline or helped a loved one even when you were exhausted.

  2. Consider how you approach days when your energy is low.
    What strategies do you use to keep yourself motivated and focused?
    Example: On days when you feel drained, do you create a shorter to-do list or focus on small victories?

  3. What’s one area of your life where you often push through despite feeling tired?
    How does it make you feel when you still accomplish something on those days?
    Example: Whether it's exercise, parenting, or work, reflect on how pushing through impacts your mindset.

  4. Looking ahead, how can you better prepare for future low-energy days?
    What routines or habits could you put in place to make it easier to give your best, even if that’s only 70%?
    Example: Could planning breaks, rest, or self-care into your routine help prevent burnout?

3 Creative Questions:

  1. How can you turn tiredness into a creative outlet?
    Sometimes exhaustion gives us the freedom to think outside the box because we’re too tired to overthink. Example: Sketch, journal, or daydream—allow your mind to wander freely.

  2. What small, simple tasks can you do that still move you forward, even when you’re not at full strength?
    Focus on bite-sized actions that still make a difference.
    Example: Sending a quick email, organizing your workspace, or reviewing your goals.

  3. How can rest and relaxation be part of your creative process?
    Some of the best ideas come when you take a break and give yourself room to breathe.
    Example: Take a walk or meditate—let your subconscious work on a problem while you recharge.

2 Affirmations:

"I am allowed to have low-energy days, and I will still do my best with what I have."

"Even my smallest efforts are steps toward progress."

1 Tool:

Pomodoro Technique
This time-management tool can be great for low-energy days.

Break your tasks into 25-minute chunks, followed by a 5-minute break.

This way… You focus on what you can do in short bursts, even if you’re not at full capacity.

It's a structured way to work through fatigue while still being productive.

God bless,

Stay confident, Stay optimistic and stay unapologetically you.

Your friend,


P.s. I hope you found this helpful in some way! Let me know what you are struggling with and say hi on my Instagram or my TikTok, whichever you prefer.