its your journey no-one else's

Lets get real for a second…

Social media shows us a highlight reel of peoples lives.

It's easy to fall into the comparison trap.

Measuring your own journey against the seemingly perfect lives of others.

But here's the thing:

Those picture-perfect moments you see online?

They often don't reflect reality, so why do our brains trick us into thinking they are. (FU brain)

Many so-called "gurus" and influencers showcase a lifestyle that's more smoke and mirrors than substance.

Fancy cars, exotic vacations, and designer clothes might make for impressive photos, but they don't necessarily equate to genuine happiness or fulfillment.

In fact, I know they don’t…

Because I have non of them and I am the happiest I have ever been.

But this email isn't about them or me. It's about you.

It's about helping you recognise your unique greatness and the boundless potential that lies within you.

Because trust me, you are amazing. And if you're having trouble seeing it, stick around because we're about to dive into how you can tap into it.

So dig deep…

“You cannot be behind on your journey, only you know where you should be”

- Unknown.

But as long as you are healthy, joyous, and grateful for what you have, only good things will follow.

For you cannot be behind on your own journey.

Now, get your journal, open your notes on your phone.

And let's dive into the 4-3-2-1 formula and explore how we can discover your personal drama and work towards self improvement...

4 Journal Prompts:

  1. Write about a significant personal achievement that you are proud of. How did your unique journey lead you to this success?

    • passion project.

    • a fitness goal.

    • a scenario you dealt with as your best self

  2. Consider the idea that "comparison is the thief of joy." Write about how focusing on your own journey has brought you happiness and fulfillment.

    • Think about moments when you focused solely on your growth and accomplishments, ignoring external comparisons, and how it positively affected your mindset.

  3. Imagine your ideal version of success and fulfilment. What steps can you take today to align your actions with that vision?

    • what is your mindset like?

    • what is your schedule look like?

    • what work do you do that gives you this sense of fulfilment?

  4. List three unique experiences from your life that have shaped who you are today. How do these experiences illustrate that you are on your own path, not behind?

    • What are they?

    • How did you act?

3 Questions to Unleash Creativity:

  1. What's one small action you can take today to invest in your personal growth and well-being?

    • Starting a new hobby.

    • Signing up for a virtual class.

    • Or spending quality time with loved ones.

  2. How can you practice gratitude daily to cultivate a mindset of abundance and positivity?

    • A gratitude journal

    • Sending a heartfelt thank-you message to someone who has impacted your life.

    • give somebody a compliment.

  3. Who can you reach out to for support or encouragement when you're feeling overwhelmed or discouraged? 

    • Identify friends, family members, or mentors who you trust and respect.

    • Make a plan to connect with them regularly, whether it's through phone calls, coffee dates, or virtual meetups.

2 Affirmations:

  1. "I am worthy of success and happiness, just as I am." Repeat this affirmation daily to reinforce your self-worth and confidence in your abilities.

  2. "I trust in my ability to overcome challenges and create the life I desire." Use this affirmation to remind yourself that you are resilient and capable of overcoming obstacles on your journey to fulfillment.”

1 Mind-Blowing Fact:

Here is a fun fact, Practicing acts of kindness can activate the same areas of the brain associated with receiving rewards and experiencing pleasure.

This fascinating phenomenon, known as the "helper's high," has been extensively studied

And has shown that being kind to others can boost your mood and well-being significantly.

These gestures aren’t grand.

It could be as simple as


Holding the door for someone.

Complimenting someone’s outfit.

So go be kind and be happy while doing it.

Take the time this week to explore your own drama and how it impacts your life.

Remember, self-awareness is the first step towards positive change.

Embrace the journey and watch how it transforms your interactions and relationships.

Stay curious and stop comparing.

Robbo ‘The PVC Chief’ Blades

P.S. If you liked this or you have a certain topic you want me to cover please reply to this email and i will get creating.