🦗letting those bad days ruin the good weeks..?

Bad days and how to take there power away.

🦗Bad Days Are Weaker Than You Think

Written by Robbo | The Positivity Chief 🦗

The Break Down…

Storytime and how I used to focus on the negative.

How to stop the bad days from winning your week is easier than you think.

Spend more time doing the things you love with the people closest to you. THAT is what a life full of POSITIVITY IS.

"In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision." -

Dalai Lama

This is a quote I thought really resembled this Sunday’s edition of THE P.V.Cs newsletter.

Who is Dalai Lama?

Dalai Lama isn’t a who. It is a title given to the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism. (The more you know right)

So with that said I would like to go into this weeks…

Story Time With Robbo

There was a time in my life when I tried to be “Mr. Positive”.

I wanted to make a positive change in people’s lives and change how they saw the world, and preach positivity over negativity.

It worked to the small few I managed to get the message to.

But it wasn’t long till my old friend “Burn-out” came and visited, and boy did he over-welcome his stay.

I didn’t realise until my now “Wiser” years that I couldn’t possibly make a permanent change to anyone’s life as I wasn’t truly happy or positive.

It was a façade, a mask.

Between the beers, lack of sleep, and fake positivity lay dormant a very negative dude.

I always let my bad days ruin my good weeks. (I didn’t show it ofc, as I am a man, I can’t have bad days according to most of society…right)

I can hear my family members who are reading this saying “What No way man”

But the truth is, I was no more “positive” then the guy you avoided for being miserable, I just pretended better.

Maybe I should’ve been an actor, not a copywriter.

Anyway, looking back it is so easy to fall into a victim mentality and think because something trivial happened and annoyed you,

It “ruins” your entire day.

Bad days exist, but not with trivial annoyances of day-to-day life.

Bad days are when you lose that loved one, and break up with that partner you thought was the one. Lose a friend, have a car crash.

And alot more.

The truth is you don’t have a bad day until … you have a BAD day.

If we just take time to appreciate everything we have in our lives.

Those “annoying” little nuances of life, you end up laughing at and thinking

“Thank god that is all I have to worry about”

So take this story how you will, but you being present enough and aware of your emotions is enough to make you realise, life isn’t always as bad as it seems.

How To Stop The Bad Days From Winning

Picture this,

It is Thursday, everyday has been MEGA, and every day you have smashed your

  • Goals

  • Deadlines

  • That PB you’ve been trying to best for weeks.


Then… all of a sudden you are hit with a wave of negativity.

You can’t explain it. You are down, you end up scrolling social media

You slip into comparison mode and your mind starts saying.

  • Those goals weren’t that good.

  • Those deadlines, anyone could do.

  • That PB, You should’ve smashed that weeks ago.

WELL, my friend, that stops now.

Here is how we are going to stop that. (And no we arent going to uninstall Social media)

It isnt as easy as that and I am not sending you into the dark ages.

We are going to flip the comparison into comments.


You are going to comment. You are going to celebrate the person you are comparing yourself to.

You are going to congratulate them. You are gonna say that is awesome. I just beat my PB this week, and I am feeling positive.

Why will I do that Rob?

Because you need to control your destructive thoughts about yourself.

By doing this simple exercise.

You are telling your brain, hang on a minute MATE.

He has been doing it for years. Of course, he is stronger, but I am stronger than I was last week.

He runs a business, of course, his goals are bigger but they don’t negate mine at ALL.

His deadlines were different. I’m proud of him for making them and I am even more proud of making mine.

The brutal and scary thing is,

Everyone has something going on, and we truly never know what is behind the scenes.

  • The mask.

  • The camera.

  • The Personality.

The thing we can do to make their day better, a simple positive comment.

The odds of that person reciprocating are pretty high.

Be kind. Be you. Be happy for them.

Because I can guarantee they have something else going on.

Now I am not saying comment on everyone’s stuff.

Just pick one person you really look up to and then once you have commented come off social media.

Grab a drink and relax knowing.

You just stopped the negative thoughts from winning… LETS FUCKING GO!

Spend More Time Doing What YOU Want

Here is a simple activity. “Plan tomorrow. Today.”

Doesn’t matter what you have on, even if it is a Sunday,

Plan your evening. Write down what you want to make time for.

Commit to it, then tick it off…

Let me know how it feels by replying to this email.

Be intentional with your time, we only have one life and I promise you it is worth making the most of, even when we don’t feel like it.

You want to improve your mindset. Make time to do a free course.

You want to improve your habits. Make time to improve them.

Do you want to read? Make time to read.

You want to go out for food but can’t quite afford it. Next payday, don’t get pissed. Spend it how YOU want, not how your friends want to.

It is your life, not theirs.

If you want to level up don’t be afraid to ask them to do it with you.

The worst thing they say is no.

The best part?

Doesn’t mean you cant do the thing you asked. Odds are once they see a change in you, they will want to follow suit.

Change your input, because that my beautiful reader is what controls your output.

Here is to saying no to negativity one thought at a time.

Your friend and PVC Chief.

Robbo “The Writer” Blades.